I am
Clarissa Mudukuti
Welcome to my world
Inspiration for Empowerment!
About Clarissa
My Story
I’ve never wanted to tie myself down to any one path or career, and this site showcases the many journeys I’ve taken, and still taking. After all variety is the spice of life. I was born in the United Kingdom, and grew up in Zimbabwe. I feel very privileged, to be influenced by two different cultures, and life styles.
I enjoy gatherings, working and playing (together). I am an optimist, believing that anything through Christ is possible! say amen now.
With each project I embark on, I approach it with enthusiasm and focus on detail.
Do explore my blogs, motivational events and visuals.
I hope you find it to be thought provoking, and sparks something from the inside you.
I am proudly African, a African writer, and motivator.
You can also be your best motivator!
My Education
I received my primary and high school education in Zimbabwe. I had the pleasure of attending and experiencing both private and government schools. High school was a blast, I attended Roosevelt High, a government school in Harare.
My university years were in the UK. Hull University gave me my qualification in (BSC) in Business Management, years later, London South Bank University gave me my Law qualification in LLM Civil Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution. When I say "gave", I actually mean I studied hard and earned my qualifications.
By the way, I completed my Masters degree at the age of 41, so its never too late, just put your mind to it. Who knows, I might do my PHD next...
Les Brown said, "Shoot for the moon, and if you miss, you will still be with the stars".